Same Domain Points to Secure & Unsecure Site: How to Solve?

When dealing with a situation where the same domain points to both secure (HTTPS) and unsecured (HTTP) sites, it’s essential to address this issue promptly to ensure security and a seamless user experience.

This issue, known as mixed content, can lead to browser warnings, compromised data, and a negative impact on SEO, highlighting the importance of resolution.

Understanding the Issue

When a domain serves both secure and unsecure content, it can lead to several problems:

  1. Mixed Content Warnings: Browsers may display warnings to users when loading a page that contains both secure (HTTPS) and unsecure (HTTP) elements. These warnings can deter users from interacting with your site.
  2. Security Risks: Serving unsecure content over HTTP can expose users to security risks, such as data interception, man-in-the-middle attacks, and unauthorized access.
  3. SEO Impact: Search engines prioritize secure sites (HTTPS) in their rankings. Having mixed content can negatively affect your site’s SEO performance.

Causes of the Issue

Several factors can lead to this issue:

  1. Hardcoded HTTP Links: If your website’s code contains hardcoded HTTP links (e.g., images, scripts, stylesheets), they will load over HTTP even if the main site uses HTTPS.
  2. Third-Party Resources: External resources (such as ads, widgets, or analytics scripts) may be served over HTTP, causing mixed content.
  3. Redirects and Canonicalization: Incorrect redirects or canonicalization settings can lead to mixed content issues.


1. Update Hardcoded Links

Review your website’s code and update any hardcoded HTTP links to use HTTPS. This includes links in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other files.

2. Use Relative URLs

Instead of specifying absolute URLs (e.g.,, use relative URLs (e.g., /image.jpg). Relative URLs automatically adapt to the current protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).

3. Check Third-Party Resources

Ensure that all third-party resources (such as plugins, widgets, or analytics scripts) support HTTPS. If not, consider finding alternatives or hosting them locally.

4. Implement Content Security Policy (CSP)

A CSP helps prevent mixed content by specifying which sources are allowed for various types of content (scripts, styles, images). Configure your CSP to enforce HTTPS.

5. Fix Redirects and Canonicalization

Ensure that your site’s redirects (from HTTP to HTTPS) and canonicalization settings are correctly configured. Use 301 redirects to avoid mixed content issues.

6. Test Your Site

Use tools like Why No Padlock? or browser developer tools to identify mixed content issues. Fix any warnings or errors.

7. Monitor Regularly

Regularly monitor your site for mixed content. As you add new content or update existing pages, ensure that everything remains secure.

How to Easily Move WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS

Moving WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS upgrades your website’s security by switching from unencrypted (HTTP) to encrypted (HTTPS) connections. This prevents data breaches and protects user information like passwords.

It’s not a “problem” per se, but an essential step to enhance security and user trust. Most modern hosts offer free SSL certificates to enable HTTPS, and plugins can simplify the process. This ensures your website meets current security standards and protects everyone involved.

1. Using a Plugin: Really Simple SSL

The simplest method is to use the Really Simple SSL plugin. Here’s how:

  1. Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site.
  2. Navigate to Settings > SSL.
  3. Click the Activate SSL button.

The plugin will handle most of the configuration, including updating URLs to HTTPS.

2. Manual Changes (Without Plugins)

If you prefer a manual approach, follow these steps:

  1. Get an SSL Certificate:
    • Contact your web host or use a third-party SSL provider to obtain an SSL certificate.
    • Install the certificate on your server.
  2. Update WordPress Settings:
    • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Go to Settings > General.
    • Update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to use HTTPS.
  3. Update URLs in the Database:
    • Use a search-and-replace tool (such as Better Search Replace plugin) to update all HTTP URLs to HTTPS in your database.
    • Be cautious and take a backup before making changes.
  4. Update Theme and Plugin Files:
    • Manually update any hardcoded HTTP links in your theme files (e.g., CSS, JavaScript).
    • Check your active plugins for similar issues.
  5. Update .htaccess File:
    • Edit your .htaccess file (usually located in the root directory). Add the following code to force HTTPS:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
  1. Update Google Search Console:
    • Add your HTTPS version as a new property in Google Search Console.
    • Submit a new sitemap.
  2. Test and Monitor:
    • Use online tools to check for mixed content (HTTP/HTTPS) issues.
    • Monitor your site regularly to ensure everything remains secure.


Resolving the issue of a domain pointing to both secure and unsecure sites is crucial for maintaining security, user trust, and SEO rankings. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a seamless and secure experience for your website visitors.

About Justin M. Neal

Justin is a freelance writer specializing in technology. He covers topics like electronics, tech products, lifestyle, pets, and home improvement, etc. When he’s not reviewing products or editing content, Justin enjoys skiing, hiking, and trying out new recipes in the kitchen.

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