There are several methods to use your Blog Home template on multiple pages in WordPress, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most common are Page Templates, Theme Builder, Conditional Tags and Plugins.
The best method for you depends on your specific needs and technical skills. If you need a high level of customization for each page, custom page templates might be best. If you want a quick and easy solution, plugins could be helpful. For more advanced users, child themes offer the most flexibility and control.
Remember to choose a method that aligns with your long-term goals and website development strategy.
How to use Blog Home as Template on Multiple Pages Without Plugins
Using the WordPress Blog Home template on multiple pages involves creating a custom page template and assigning it to the desired pages. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this:
Step 1: Create a Custom Page Template
1. Access your WordPress site’s file system using an FTP client or file manager provided by your hosting provider.
2. Navigate to your theme’s directory located in wp-content/themes/
3. Create a new PHP file and name it something descriptive, like blog-home-template.php
4. Open this file in a text editor.
Step 2: Add Template Header
5. Add the following PHP code at the top of the file to define the custom template:
Template Name: Blog Home Template
Step 3: Retrieve Blog Posts
6. Add the necessary code to retrieve and display your blog posts. You can use a custom query or the default WordPress loop.
// Custom query to retrieve blog posts
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'posts_per_page' => -1, // Retrieve all posts
$query = new WP_Query($args);
// Start the loop
if ($query->have_posts()) :
while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();
// Display post content here
// Reset post data
Step 4: Save and Upload
7. Save the changes to the blog-home-template.php
8. Upload the file to your theme’s directory (wp-content/themes/your-theme/
Step 5: Assign the Template
9. Go to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to Pages > Add New.
10. Create a new page or edit an existing one where you want to display the blog posts.
11. In the Page Attributes section on the right-hand side, locate the Template dropdown menu.
12. Select “Blog Home Template” from the dropdown menu.
13. Publish or update the page.
Step 6: Repeat
14. Repeat steps 9-13 for each page where you want to use the Blog Home template.
Now, the selected pages will display your blog posts using the custom template you created. You can further customize the template to match your site’s design and layout requirements.
How to use Blog Home as Template on Multiple Pages with Plugin
Using plugins can simplify the process of using the WordPress Blog Home template on multiple pages without needing to create custom code. Here’s a guide on how to achieve this using the “Posts in Page” plugin:
Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
3. Search for “Posts in Page” in the search bar.
4. Install and activate the “Posts in Page” plugin by clicking the respective buttons.
Step 2: Configure Plugin Settings
5. After activation, go to Settings > Posts in Page to configure the plugin settings.
6. Adjust the settings according to your preferences, such as the number of posts to display per page, pagination options, and post order.
Step 3: Create a New Page
7. Navigate to Pages > Add New to create a new page.
8. Give your page a title and customize its content if needed.
Step 4: Insert Shortcode
9. In the page editor, insert the following shortcode to display your blog posts:
[ic_add_posts post_type='post']
This shortcode will dynamically fetch and display your blog posts on the page.
Step 5: Publish or Update Page
10. Publish or update the page to apply the changes.
Step 6: Repeat
11. Repeat steps 3-5 for each page where you want to display your blog posts using the Blog Home template.
Using the “Posts in Page” plugin, you can easily create multiple pages that display your blog posts without the need for custom templates or coding. This approach offers flexibility and simplicity, making it suitable for users who prefer a plugin-based solution.
Use Blog Home as Template on Multiple Pages by Elementor plugin
Using a plugin is a simpler alternative to create a blog home template on multiple pages in WordPress. One popular plugin for achieving this is “Elementor,” a visual page builder that allows you to design and customize pages easily. Here’s a step-by-step guide using Elementor:
Step 1: Install and Activate Elementor
- In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.
- Search for “Elementor” and install the Elementor Page Builder plugin.
- Activate the plugin.

Step 2: Create a New Page
- Go to Pages > Add New to create a new page.
- Enter a title for your page.
Step 3: Edit with Elementor
- Click on the “Edit with Elementor” button to launch the Elementor editor.
Step 4: Choose Blog Home Template
- In the Elementor editor, click on the folder icon to add a new section.
- Search for “Blog” in the template library.
- Select a suitable blog template for your home page.
Step 5: Save and Assign to Multiple Pages
- Customize the template as needed using Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface.
- Once satisfied, click the “Save” button.
Step 6: Assign to Multiple Pages
- To assign this template to multiple pages, edit each page where you want to use the blog home template.
- Scroll down to the “Page Attributes” section on the right-hand side.
- In the “Template” dropdown, select the template you created using Elementor.
- Update or publish the page.
Step 7: Repeat as Needed
- Repeat steps 4-15 for each page where you want to use the blog home template.
Using Elementor or a similar visual page builder provides a user-friendly way to create and customize templates without dealing with code. Elementor allows for easy duplication of templates across multiple pages, providing consistency throughout your site.
Keep in mind that the specific steps may vary slightly depending on the version of Elementor and your theme. Always ensure your plugins and themes are up-to-date for compatibility.